Unless court mandated, therapy is voluntary, and everyone can and must make that decision for themselves. While in therapy, the majority of clients find they gain a greater sense of awareness and understanding then they were able to obtain on their own. While you’re in therapy we will work together to assist you with obtaining your defined life goals. Whether that means assisting you with long standing or chronic psychological issues or learning to pick up the pieces from a life transition such as a divorce or a death, or simply learning better coping skills to assist with management of depression, anxiety, conflict resolution, body image issues/or weight loss, relaxation/stress management or life coaching. I have many years of experience in assisting clients with obtaining their personal goals. With therapy you will gain insight, feel a greater sense of support and empowerment that will allow you to feel comfortable and confident in making those productive and positive life changes that you so desire.
Therapy can benefit anyone. From time to time we all need extra support and guidance in a trying situation, often we seek support from our friends and family and while those interactions are needed and extremely beneficial, you cannot replace effective therapy with those types of interactions. A trained mental health provider can assist you far beyond the current life stressor. A therapist can help you correctly identify or define recurrent negative thought and behavior patterns that can hinder your ability to see a different perspective or lead a productive and rewarding life. Once these thoughts and behaviors are identified a trained therapist can reintroduce you to hidden resources you inherently have or have obtained through your life experiences that can be used to help you handle future stressful situations and lead a more productive life. It is this type of understanding, knowledge and growth that separates “friendly support” from life altering productive, meaningful therapy.
Therapy is different and unique to each client. While there is no “typical” session, most clients will begin with speaking of life circumstances they see as problems. Together we will define life goals, and determine how to plan for a path to assist you with realizing or obtaining your goals. While it may sound like a cliché, Therapy really is a journey. With saying this I mean what you initially define as “the problem”, may actually only be a symptom of a larger issue. Together we will build upon your resources and coping skills that will allow you to avoid setbacks in the future. In therapy you will experience support and guidance that will allow you to grow and become more confident in your own abilities to manage and navigate current as well as future stressors. Many new clients to therapy are shocked that a therapist doesn’t offer “advice or directives” much as what you get from your friends and family members when you discuss issues with them. Again the purpose of therapy is not to have the therapist “solve your problem” but rather assist you with viewing your situation from different perspectives, providing a support system where you feel you have been truly heard, and your thoughts and feelings have been validated, and joining you in developing a plan of action to make positive changes in your life you deem necessary. In a word our therapy session is driven by “you” and I will personalize our session to your needs to make sure you get the most out of our time together.
Is therapy confidential?
Generally speaking, the law protects the confidentiality rights of all information between clients and their psychotherapist/counselor and as a licensed professional counselor (LPC), I can assure all clients they will have confidentiality in our sessions together; however, there are certain circumstances where, according to law and or my code of ethics, I must break confidentiality. These instances include the following situations:
· Suspected child abuse or dependent adult or elder abuse. The therapist is required to report this to the appropriate authorities immediately.
· If a client is threatening serious bodily harm to another person. The therapist is required to notify the police.
· If a client intends to harm himself or herself. The therapist will make every effort to work with the individual to ensure their safety. However, if an individual does not cooperate, additional measures may need to be taken.
I truly respect the trust you have placed in me as your therapist and my office and assure you I will do everything possible to protect you and or your family from any breach of confidentiality.
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